Children's Day is a special occasion dedicated to celebrating childhood and honoring our little treasures, our children.

In this article, we will explore the meaning of Children's Day, its origin, and understand why it is celebrated in Portugal. We will also provide a list of creative ideas for parents and children to celebrate this day in a memorable way as a family.

Let's embark on this enchanting journey!



What is Children's Day?

Children's Day is a commemorative day that highlights the importance of children in our lives. Its purpose is to promote the well being, happiness, and rights of young ones.

It is a moment to honor the purity, joy, and innocence that children embody in our society. It is also an opportunity to recognize the challenges children face and promote the protection of their fundamental rights.



Origin of Children's Day

Have you ever wondered how Children's Day came about?

The story behind this date is quite fascinating. Children's Day has its roots in the 1920s, when several nations began to mobilize for the rights and well-being of children.

In 1950, the International Union for Child Welfare was established, marking a significant milestone for the movement. Since then, Children's Day has been celebrated on different dates around the world, always with the aim of promoting the protection and development of children.



Why is Children's Day celebrated on June 1st?

In Portugal, Children's Day is celebrated on June 1st.

But do you know why?

June 1st was chosen as the date to honor and commemorate the importance of children and their rights. In Portugal, Children's Day has a special connection to the Casa Pia in Lisboa, an institution that has been providing care for orphaned children since the 18th century.

Since then, the day has been marked by events and activities aimed at bringing joy, entertainment, and raising awareness about the needs of children.



Special Gifts for Children's Day

If you're looking for a way to make Children's Day even more special, consider giving your child a memorable gift. Here are some gift suggestions suitable for the occasion being the following one a Perfect Gift for Kids Who Love to Paint.

Creative Kit for Kids - Paint Your T-shirt

This charming kit has been specially designed to stimulate your children's creativity, allowing them to create their own unique masterpieces on a t-shirt. The Paint Your T-shirt Kit offers an engaging and fun experience for children to explore their imagination and express themselves artistically.




Matching T-shirts for Parents and Children

Imagine the joy on your child's face when they put on a kids' t-shirt that perfectly matches dad's t-shirt and matches mom's t-shirt! These matchy-matchy outfits are available in a wide variety of styles and phrases, so you can choose the one that best fits your family's style. These unique pieces not only celebrate Children's Day but also showcase the love and bond between parents and children. Celebrate Children's Day in a special way and dress in matching outfits with your child.




Reading with Enchanting Children's Books

Stimulate your child's imagination and learning with a fun and educational book. Choose captivating stories full of adventures and fascinating characters, accompanied by enchanting illustrations that bring the pages to life.


Reading with Enchanting Children

Reading with Enchanting Children



Explore the World of Educational Games

Provide fun and learning for your child by opting for games that encourage the development of cognitive skills. Puzzles, memory games, and problem solving activities are excellent options to stimulate logical reasoning, concentration, and creative thinking.


Explore the World of Educational Games - Childrens Day Gift - Suggestion 1

Explore the World of Educational Games - Childrens Day Gift - Suggestion 2



Ignite a Passion for Art

If your child is passionate about drawing and painting, gifting them with an art supplies set is an excellent choice. With access to these materials, they will have the opportunity to explore their creativity and develop their artistic skills. Opt for a complete set of materials, including colored pencils, paints, brushes, special painting paper, and other art accessories. Ensure that the materials are suitable for your child's age and skill level, so they can experiment with different techniques and art styles. Who knows, you might have a little Leonardo at home?!


Awaken the Passion for Art - Children

Awaken the Passion for Art - Children



Sports and Motor Development

Encourage your child to explore different sports activities while playing and having fun. Whether it's cycling, rollerblading, playing soccer, basketball, volleyball, tennis, or table tennis, all of these options are enjoyable and promote the development of motor skills and coordination. Depending on your child's age and interests, offering a gift related to these activities can be an excellent suggestion for Children's Day.


Sports and Motor Development - Children

Sports and Motor Development - Children



Gift Ideas for Children

Gifts for Kids



When considering these gift suggestions, take into account your child's interests and preferences. Choose something that is meaningful and brings joy and fun to celebrate Children's Day in a special way.

Remember that gifts are not the main focus of Children's Day, but they can add a special touch to the celebration. The most important thing is to enjoy the day with your children, creating happy moments and strengthening family bonds.



How to Celebrate World Childrens Day?


How to Celebrate World Children's Day?

Children's Day is a wonderful opportunity to create precious memories with your children. Here are some ideas for activities to celebrate the day in a special way.

10 Activities to Celebrate Children's Day in a Special Way

  1. Organize a treasure hunt: Transform your house or garden into a world full of mystery and adventure. Hide small gifts or clues strategically in different areas. Create an exciting map that will guide the children in their search for the hidden treasure. Let the excitement take over as they solve riddles, follow clues, and unravel the secrets of the game. It will be a thrilling and fun experience for all ages!

  2. Explore your city with the kids: Turn your city into an exciting adventure of discovery, as if you were on vacation. Whether you have a map in hand or prefer to explore spontaneously, the important thing is to embark on the exploratory journey together. Plan a day full of exploration and take the opportunity to discover new places, visit parks, castles, walls, and other landmarks. Let yourselves be enchanted by the surprises your city has in store and create special memories as you uncover hidden treasures in your own territory.

  3. Create a themed day: Let your imagination soar and dive into a world of fantasy with a special themed day. Choose a theme that captivates the children, such as superheroes, princesses, pirates, or animals, and transform your home into a magical setting. Decorate each space according to the chosen theme, use props and accessories to create an engaging and stimulating atmosphere. Plan related activities such as pretend play games, little plays, or even the creation of masks and costumes. Let the children unleash their imagination, portray their favorite characters, and experience unforgettable moments in the enchanted world they have created together.

  4. Set up an art station: Awaken the artistic side of children by creating a special art station. Gather vibrant paints, soft brushes, white paper, modeling clay, and other artistic materials that ignite the imagination. Prepare a dedicated space for creativity, with a table or easel, where children can freely explore their artistic skills. Let them experiment with different techniques, mix colors, and create true works of art. Encourage them to express their emotions and thoughts through their creations. The art station will be a magical place where imagination comes to life and where children can express themselves freely.

  5. Plan a day full of outdoor adventures: Get ready for an exciting journey with the children in the great outdoors! Take them to an adventure park full of challenges and fun, where they can test their skills and overcome obstacles. In a theme park with thrilling attractions, laughter and adrenaline are guaranteed. If you prefer a more serene environment, plan a nature hike, exploring trails and discovering the local flora and fauna. Enjoy these moments of connection with nature and create experiences that will last a lifetime. Have fun together and create lasting memories on this day full of outdoor adventures.

  6. Plan a day on wheels: Prepare the bicycles or roller skates and embark on an exciting outdoor adventure. Explore local bike paths, ride through natural trails, or simply have fun on the streets. Enjoy moments filled with adrenaline, freedom, and joy as you create lasting memories together.

  7. Prepare an unforgettable slumber party: Let the children invite a few friends to spend the night and dive into a fun-filled adventure with a pajama party, complete with exciting games, tasty snacks, animated movie sessions accompanied by delicious popcorn. Surprise the children with this magical experience, providing a night full of laughter and memories that will last a lifetime.

  8. Enjoy a fun filled picnic in the park: Take your children for an unforgettable day outdoors at the park. Prepare tasty snacks such as delicious sandwiches, fresh fruits, and refreshing fruit juices. Find a pleasant spot under the shade of a tree or in an area with picnic tables and spread a colorful blanket to create the perfect setting. While enjoying the outdoor meal, take the opportunity to talk, laugh, and share special moments as a family. Include recreational activities to make the day even more fun. Bring games, a frisbee, a soccer ball, or a jump rope to play and have a great time together.

  9. Discover a world of knowledge at a museum or interactive exhibition: If you have access, take your children to explore cultural venues that offer educational and interactive exhibits specially designed for children. It's an exciting experience that combines learning and fun. By visiting a museum, you can stimulate children's curiosity and knowledge. There are museums dedicated to different themes such as science, history, art, and technology. Choose one that sparks your children's interest and get ready for a journey of fascinating discoveries. In interactive exhibitions, children can actively participate in activities, experience hands-on demonstrations, and engage in educational games. This hands-on approach provides an enriching experience, allowing children to learn in a playful and interactive way.

  10. Relive special moments with a family memory album: Gather photographs, drawings, and precious mementos to create a memory album that will capture the significant moments you've experienced together. This exciting activity will strengthen emotional bonds and allow the whole family to reminisce about these precious moments in the future. In addition to photographs, encourage children to create drawings or write small stories about these special moments. These personal contributions will make the album even more unique and meaningful.



The Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child

It was during the United Nations General Assembly on November 20th, 1959, that representatives from hundreds of countries approved the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child.

This declaration was adapted from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but specifically aimed at children! The declaration was a significant milestone in recognizing the rights of children and served as the foundation for the development of laws, policies, and programs for child protection in various countries.

However, unfortunately, the struggle to ensure that these rights are respected even in the year 2024 remains a significant challenge.



What does the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child consist of?

The Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child consists of 10 principles that should be respected by all, allowing children to live with dignity, surrounded by love and care. We, as adults, have the obligation to protect and value children, as they are our future.

The 10 Principles of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child

Principle 1 - Right to equality, without distinction of race, religion, or nationality.

The child shall enjoy all the rights stated in this Declaration. These rights shall be granted to all children, without any exception, distinction, or discrimination based on race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, whether inherent to the child or to their family.

Principle 2 - Right to special protection for their physical, mental, and social development.

The child shall enjoy special protection and shall be provided with opportunities and services, by law and other means, to enable them to develop physically, mentally, morally, spiritually, and socially in a healthy and normal manner, in conditions of freedom and dignity.

Principle 3 - Right to a name and nationality.

The child has the right, from birth, to a name and nationality.

Principle 4 - Right to adequate food, housing, and medical care for the child and the mother.

The child shall enjoy the benefits of social security. They shall have the right to grow and develop in good health; for this purpose, special care and nutrition, including pre- and post-natal care, shall be provided to both the child and their mother. The child shall have the right to enjoy adequate food, housing, recreation, and medical services.

Principle 5 - Right to education and special care for physically or mentally disabled children.

A physically or mentally disabled child, or a child facing social obstacles, should receive the treatment, education, and special care that their particular case requires. They are entitled to access appropriate support services, rehabilitation programs, and inclusive educational opportunities tailored to their specific needs. It is important to ensure their full inclusion and participation in society, fostering their development and well being.

Principle 6 - Right to love and understanding from parents and society.

The child needs love and understanding for the full and harmonious development of their personality. Whenever possible, they should grow up under the care and responsibility of their parents, but in any case, in an environment of affection and moral and material security. Unless under exceptional circumstances, a young child should not be separated from their mother.

Principle 7 - Right to free education and children's leisure.

The best interests of the child shall be the guiding principle for those responsible for their education and guidance, primarily their parents.

The child should fully enjoy play and recreational activities, which should be directed towards education. Society and public authorities shall strive to promote the exercise of this right.

The child has the right to receive compulsory and free primary education. The education provided to the child should promote their general culture and enable them, on an equal opportunity basis, to develop their abilities and individuality, their sense of social and moral responsibility, and to become a useful member of society.

Principle 8 - Right to be the first to receive assistance in case of disasters.

The child must, in all circumstances, be among the first to receive protection and assistance.

Principle 9 - Right to be protected from abandonment and exploitation in work.

The child must be protected from all forms of abandonment, cruelty, and exploitation. They shall not be subjected to any form of trafficking.

Child labor shall not be permitted before an appropriate minimum age. Under no circumstances shall a child be engaged in, or be made to engage in, any occupation or employment that may be harmful to their health or education, or impede their physical, mental, or moral development.

Principle 10 - Right to grow up in a spirit of solidarity, understanding, friendship, and justice among peoples.

The child must be protected against practices that may foster racial, religious, or any other form of discrimination. They should be educated in a spirit of understanding, tolerance, friendship among peoples, universal peace, and brotherhood, with full awareness that they should dedicate their energy and abilities to the service of their fellow human beings.




Convention on the Rights of the Child

After the approval of the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1959, there was a significant advancement in the protection of children's rights with the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This convention is a legally binding international treaty that establishes the fundamental rights of children and the obligations of states to ensure their protection and well being.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on November 20, 1989, and entered into force on September 2, 1990. It consists of 54 articles that cover a wide range of rights, including civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights of children. Click to consult the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

This convention recognizes that children are holders of rights and should be protected against any form of discrimination, violence, abuse, or exploitation. Furthermore, the convention establishes the right of children to survival, development, protection, and active participation in society.

It is important to highlight that the Convention on the Rights of the Child is the most widely ratified international treaty in history, with nearly every country in the world being a signatory. This demonstrates the global commitment to protect and promote children's rights.

However, despite the progress made, there are still challenges to be addressed to ensure the full implementation of the rights established in the Convention. It is the responsibility of each state and all of us as a society to ensure that children have their rights respected, protected, and promoted in all aspects of their lives.

By understanding the importance of both the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, we can strengthen our commitment to creating a world where all children can enjoy a safe, healthy childhood full of opportunities.



Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child vs. Convention on the Rights of the Child

Understand the Differences

In the context of children's rights, it is important to understand the differences between the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

While both aim to protect and promote children's rights, there are significant distinctions between them.

The Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1959. This document establishes 10 fundamental principles that recognize children's rights in areas such as equality, health, education, and protection against violence.

However, it is important to note that the Declaration does not have legally binding status.

Embora seja uma importante declaração de princípios, os países não são juridicamente obrigados a seguir seus termos.

Although it is an important declaration of principles, countries are not legally obligated to follow its terms.

On the other hand, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1989 and is a legally binding international treaty. Comprised of 54 articles, the Convention establishes a comprehensive set of specific rights for children.

It covers not only civil and political rights but also economic, social, and cultural rights. Countries that have ratified the Convention are legally obligated to ensure and protect the rights established within it. Portugal ratified the Convention on September 21th, 1990.

While the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child serves as an important guiding set of principles, the Convention on the Rights of the Child is a legally binding instrument that establishes clear obligations for states.

The Convention is widely regarded as the most comprehensive and influential international treaty on children's rights.

Therefore, when considering children's rights, it is essential to recognize the distinction between these two documents. While the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child holds symbolic value and helps shape policies and practices concerning children, the Convention on the Rights of the Child is a legally binding instrument that sets forth clear obligations for countries regarding children's rights.

Remember that, regardless of the distinctions between these two instruments, the ultimate goal is to promote and protect the fundamental rights of all children, ensuring that they can live with dignity, safety, and opportunities to thrive.




Children's Day is a time to celebrate, honor, and protect childhood. Understanding the origin of this day and making the most of it in a meaningful way helps strengthen family bonds and create special moments between parents and children.

Explore the suggested activities and find creative ways to celebrate Children's Day. Take the opportunity to convey love, affection, and support to children, making the day memorable and fun for the whole family!

We hope you have a Happy Children's Day!

If you enjoyed these gift suggestions for children's day, make sure to check out our Ultimate Gift Guide for Every Occasion for even more gift inspiration!